Education in Zhob


A group of girls read outside a Save the Children supported girls' primary school in Zhob,Balochistan,Pakistan.Education is vital to lasting positive change in children's lives. Yet for millions of children and youth in developing countries, education is beyond reach. Save the Children reaches the world's most marginalized children those who urgently need education to survive and thrive in more than 30 countries around the world.Communities and nations, including some of the world's poorest, are committed to meeting the education needs of their most vulnerable children. They need global partnerships and support to meet the formidable challenges they face. In partnership with governments, nongovernmental organizations, and local communities, Save the Children brings quality education to the most vulnerable children in some 30 countries around the globe from sub-Saharan Africa to the Middle East, to Eurasia, South and Central Asia, and Latin America.
Save the Children's Education programs reach marginalized children girls, ethnic minorities, and children affected by HIV/AIDS, wars, and other catastrophes from early childhood through young adulthood. We attend to communities in greatest need, design programs that minimize obstacles to participation, and make the content of education relevant to the realities of children’s lives. Quality of learning at our schools is very high; typically children from Save the Children village schools score better on government exams than children enrolled in government schools.